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"Victorian Ladies 1 ~ 4x4"

Elegant, and with attitude to spare, these lovely Victorian ladies are just waiting to grace your home. So invite them in to stroll across your quilt top or other project. These are not your usual applique...the outlines are varied instead of all one width, lending a delicate femininity. Make sure you try out varigated, metallic, and Glitter threads to give just a hint of sophistication. These designs are my original artwork, inspired by several pictures of Victorian Ladies, that belonged to my grandmother; helping me stay true to the 1840's and 50's era. Barbara Powers had fun deciding how to dress these girls, and did the stitchouts which are pictured below. Thanks so much, Barbara, for wonderful renditions.

These are designed for the 4x4 inch hoop.
Creatively yours, Wendy
Victorian Ladies Set 1; $25.00;

Be sure to check out my companion set, Victorian Ladies 2 (small) and the special deal and bonus available when you buy both sets.

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