ARES logo used by permission
Coshocton County ARES®
Additional ARES Training update Aug 2024:
"The ARRL has been updating the basic training for it’s members. The Basic EmComm & Intermediate Emcomm Courses is now live. I would recommend that everyone take the courses as they become available. These courses can be downloaded. I HIGHLY recommend that everyone take these courses. Not mandatory" Ohio ARES SEC
These new ARRL Emcomm courses are not mandatory for Ohio ARES but as the SEC states, highly recommended. See the ARRL website. AA8BN Coshocton County EC
Udate Your ARES Affiliation
*******We need your continued ARES participation in Coshocton county.
We need ARES membership to man those stations and also when needed ,home stations that can handle traffic. ARES
nets are each Monday at 8pm.. 145.23 pl71.9.
Digital practice, after club net 8pm, Sundays at 815pm - + ,147.045. Pl 71.9.
*****So send me a Reply (yes) on email or text, call that you will be there as a 2024 Coshocton county ARES member. COSHOCTON ARES
has been here for over 35 years. Any contact, capability, info, include that as well.******
Thanks for your time and service, see you on an ARES net.
Coshocton county EC
NTS and Encoding ICS-213 Forms
As part of NTS 2.0, numerous NTS stations and EmComm operators have worked together to define methods and procedures for passing these various agency forms encapsulated within radiograms. This allows the NTS relay stations to handle radiograms as they are used to, while served agencies can continue to utilize their forms.
The NTS 2.0 website discusses how to encode these complex forms for transmission through the National Traffic System as radiograms, and their final delivery to the served agency in the native form format.
The Ohio ARRL ARES web site
The Ohio ARRL Section web site
The ARRL web site
Please join the American Radio Relay League today. Please note that ARES is a program of the ARRL. With the exception of the EC,
it is not a requirement that ARES members belong to the ARRL, but it is encouraged by the EC.
The ARRL web site featuring ARES.
Please take the free online FEMA trainings listed in the following links"
ARES Training
Ohio ARES asks you to take course IS100b followed by IS700a and then IS200b and IS800b.
Submit the 4 certificates (or each one as they are completed) in PDF format to
the Coshocton County EC, AA8BN@ARRL.NET. Needed are the completed certificates as INDIVIDUAL FILES, not lumped together
like several jpegs in one file. Attach those with the name, call, and county of the person involved.
ARES Repeater
The KE8BDF ARES repeater is centrally located in the county and is on 145.230 with a pl of 71.9.
Code Red
It is a great idea to sign up for Code Red, so that you can be notified of any emergency conditions in our area. The Coshocton County EMA page has additional information on how the Code Red System works in our County and how you can register. See the SKYWARN tab as well..
State and Local Nets
State of Ohio EOC team W8SGT HF Voice Net
The HF Net is run by the Team W8SGT at the State of Ohio Emergency Operations Center in Columbus Ohio. A voice net is conducted every week. For net frequencies check with your EC. All are welcome to check in. You do not have to be an ARES volunteer to check in. Check in often and put Coshocton Co. in their log.
Ohio ARES Digital Net
The OHIO DIGITAL EMERGENCY NET. (OHDEN) is a Section Level ARES approved NBEMS emergency traffic net. The purpose is to provide a statewide
communications conduit between the EMA/EOC'S in Ohio. The net uses sound card digital modes and NBEMS to pass written traffic. The net
uses the low frequency HF bands for statewide NVIS coverage. FLDIG is the standard software. District and county level communications
are provided at the local level by the DEC/EC's. Each Ohio ARES district and county is encouraged to organize digital capabilities and
to liaison to the statewide OHDEN net.
In addition, OHDEN provides training, technical assistance, and organizational assistance in support of digital modes and NVIS
OHDEN Facebook Page (portions taken from OHDEN web site. Check for updates. aa8bn)
Info. on OHDEN can also be found at: OHDEN webpage and at: Ohio Section Website.
The Ohio Single Side-Band Net
NTS...national traffic system.... The Ohio Single Side-Band Net , OSSBN... OSSBN.ORG Check into or at least listen to see how this net runs in the beginning. We need more people to be able to check into this net (as well as other nets), so we have more than one or more persons able to receive and send traffic from Coshocton County. The Net meets on 3972.5 khz , three times a day. 10:30 am, 4:15 pm and 6:45 pm.
Coshocton County Digital Nets
Check into these nets to experiment and learn about the digital modes. Our Digital net meets each Sunday night after the 2000hr W8CCA club net on 147.045 MHz pl 71.9. KE8WIP is Digital net manager. Time spent on these digital nets as well as other ARES nets listed are used in the monthly ARES report. Both nets use fldigi with voice and digital modes used. Primary local practice uses MT63, 2kL, centered at 1500Hz.
On the 4th Sunday of the month, we sometimes use HF frequencies for digital, while maintaining voice comms on the 045 repeater.
Coshocton County ARES Net (COCO)
Please check into the ARES net each Monday at 8 pm. Check into the digital nets and state EOC and OSSBN nets. Let me know if and when you do, as I can use this on Monthly reports. If you know of others interested, send this information along. Don’t forget to check into the local nets : Coshocton Co. Amateur Radio Association net on Sunday at 8 pm on 147.045. The Johnny Appleseed net each Friday at 9pm. The North East Coshocton County 440 Net each Monday after the ARES net on 443.5375.
Fldigi for Android Devices
The popular FLDIGI application is available for android devices. With this, you can operate digital modes using your cell phone and HT, tablet and mobile, or whatever android device and rig you have! Click HERE for a good article by AB8SV on how to get and use the Android app.
EC note:
Thanks to all Coshocton County ARES for a great year. A big thanks to the Coshocton Co. Amateur Radio Association Inc., W8CCA for continued support for over 25 years and providing space for ARES and SKYWARN on their web site. A special thanks to KL7RF , web master. 73 Steve, AA8BN Coshocton County EC, 740 623 1000,
The ARES and SKYWARN programs in Coshocton County are operated by the Coshocton Co. ARES. CCARA is providing space on our web site for their information and is not responsible for any content.
ARES Contact People
Position | Name | Callsign | |
Emergency Coordinator | Steve Wheatcarft | AA8BN | |
Assistant EC | Randy Fisher | KL7RF | |
Assistant EC | Will Parks | KC8PUW |
EC Monthly Report
Use this Link to find the EC montly report that you can fill out online.
Helpful Downloads
(in PDF format)
Printable Radiogram Forms, ICS-309 (Em. Communicatons Log)ICS 213 Form HICS-213 Form (hospital version)
ICS 213 Instructions
ARES Net Control Log
Many other usefull forms and information can be downloaded directly from the ARRL website Here.

AA8BN, Coshocton County EC, Jan 2020