Swap & Shop
Complete Ham Station for Sale
Ham station for sale. Would like to sell all items at once for a single price of $1200.00. The station includes a Kenwood TS-450, power supply, Drake 2000 tuner, Ten Tec Hercules Amp with deep cell battery, SWR meter, Chris craft R-7 vertical antenna, 10-20-40 meter offset dipole antenna, tuner for 80-160 antenna, 500w dummy load, lots of RG8U Cable (some new), metal poles 20', metal poles 10', assorted parts and books, and manuals for the equipment. Please call 330-432-5371.(KD8JPP)
Yaesu Ft-102 for sale
This hybird classic rig was given to the club by the family of past member Craig Afolter (sk). There is an intermittant receive problem but the transmit works well to full output of over 100 watts. It will need a little work on the receive. Make an offer to Randy at: 740-502-9844.

Ten Tec Century 21 CW Rig
The TenTec Century 21 is a CW only rig and about 25 watts output. This one has a built in keyer and crystal calibrator. It is all solid state, instant band hange w/no tune up. Built in power supply. 80 through 10 meters, no WARC bands. PTO was rebuilt by TENTEC before they went out of business. Has QSK and 500hz cw filter (selectable). $200, firm.
Call 740-545-4625
Send details of items you would like to buy or sell to Randy Fisher
for publication on this page. Please include contact information also.