The ARES and SKYWARN programs in Coshocton County are operated by the Coshocton Co. ARES. CCARA is providing space on our web site for their information and is not responsible for any content.
Online Storm Report Page
Check HERE to report significant storm reports online to the Pittsburg office of the National Weather Service. You can also find information about current conditions and other weather related information.
Skywarn is a good site to check out information and training for Skywarn all during the the year. You can take an online training by going to the above link and click on "web based Skywarn training." Once you have completed the course, contact the Coshocton County EC that you have taken and passed course. You will be also be submitting your course certificate to the NWS Pittsburgh for credit.
Coshocton ARES is Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador
Weather-Ready Nation Team Info.
WRN Ambassadors--
Follow us at: @WRNAmbassadors
Thank you for connecting with the
Weather-Ready Nation Team
"Be a Force of Nature"
The Weather-Ready
Nation Ambassador initiative is an effort to formally recognize NOAA partners who are improving the nation’s readiness against extreme
weather, water, and climate events. As a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador, your organization is committing to work with NOAA and other
Ambassadors to strengthen national resilience against extreme weather. See more information at the link below.
Remember the Penny
Criteria from NWS Pittsburgh. SKYWARN spotters only need to report hail size of 3/4 inch, penny size or larger.Skywarn Nets
Skywarn nets are held on the 145.230MHz (ARES) repeater whenever severe weather conditions threaten Coshocton County. There are several pdf files available below that you can download to help you be better prepared to assist the National Weather Service and Coshocton County as an amateur radio skywarn spotter. We encourage all ham weather spotters to join the net. You are the eyes and ears "on the ground" in Coshocton, for the weather service.
"CoCoRaHS is an acronym for the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network. CoCoRaHS is a unique, non-profit, community-based network of volunteers of all ages and backgrounds working together to measure and map precipitation (rain, hail and snow). By using low-cost measurement tools, stressing training and education, and utilizing an interactive Web-site, our aim is to provide the highest quality data for natural resource, education and research applications. We are now in all fifty states." (Taken from the CoCoRaHS website)
The weather service office in Pittsburgh has directed Skywarn members to this organization as one way to report precipitation in our local area. This information is then shared with the weather service. You can volunteer to make daily measurments at your home location or just report severe weather. The website to find out informatiion is found HERE.
You can report to the NWS Pittsburgh one of three ways:
1) Storm report form found HERE
2) CoCoRaHS where you can report via an app. If you are not signed up, you can do so HERE
3) or call the 800 number from your Skywarn training .
Warning Siren Testing
The eight (8) Coshocton County Outdoor Warning Sirens and EAS are tested every first Wednesday of each Month at 10:00 a.m. The eight (8)sirens are located at Conesville Fire Department, Coshocton City Fire Department, Coshocton High School, Canal Lewisville, Pleasant Valley, West Lafayette Fire Department, Bakersville Fire Department, and Warsaw Fire Department. The sirens are tested to raise public awareness and for maintenance.Code Red
It is a great idea to sign up for Code Red, so that you can be notified of any emergency conditions in our area. Click HERE to go to the registration page.More Information
Pittsburgh Weather Main PageStorm Prediction Center
Files for Download:
SKYWARN Overview and CCSN Operational Guide 2015.pdfMOU between ARRL and NWS.pdf
Coshocton County Skywarn Network Net Definitions and Procedures2015.pdf
CCSN Training and Readiness Net PREAMBLE 2015.pdf
CCSN Severe Weather Net PREAMBLE 2015.pdf